
How Do Pre-Nursery Schools Engage Your Child with Activities For Development?

Holistic growth starts with pre nursery schools in Gurgaon. Apply for pre nursery admission in Gurgaon at St. Xavier's High School, Sector 81.


Having a good understanding of which activities your child is taking up in preschool can help you to stay a step ahead of others. In this way, you will be better prepared at home to ensure that you can aid in the development process.

Activities that Children Take Up In Pre Nursery

Some of the most common activities that children have to participate in when it comes to pre nursery are:

Play Based Learning

Most of the pre nursery schools depend highly on play-based learning which is both interesting and educative at the same time. This is usually one of the most natural ways in which teachers can engage with the children and promote them to explore the surroundings around them.

Usually, this happens with the help of activities like building blocks, puzzles, or even sensory games. One of the most important results is that it can captivate the attention of the child and ensure that they are using their problem-solving abilities. This can also promote hand-eye coordination.

Art and Craft

You will notice that art is very important for children who are in the pre nursery age group. This is primarily because artistic expression is very important for optimal childhood development. Usually, common activities like painting, drawing, and even crafts are promoted in all of the pre nursery schools.

Most of the pre nursery schools in Gurgaon will advise you to engage with your children at home using artistic mediums. This can boost their imagination power and at the same time allow the child to work on their levels of concentration.

Outdoor Play

Children who are usually in the pre nursery group are at a phase of life where physical health is important because it boosts optimal levels of development. Consequently, playing outdoor activities like sandbox, climbing or simply playing in the park could be a great form of exercise.

You can also help the children to explore nature and at the same time foster a sense of inquisitiveness among them. This becomes a very important quotient as they start to grow.


And finally, another common activity that most the pre nursery schools develop their functioning around is none other than music. Music and movement are two very important parts of pre - nursery curriculums and they can improve the auditory capability of the child.

Coupled with music, students are often made to hop, skip, or even practice yoga. This can not only help them in their development but also ensure that they get into the practice of developing a routine or a habit. It can also make them happy from within which is a very important component to work on.


A good pre nursery school will always have a structure that can engage students every day and cater to the diverse requirements. When you create an environment that is rich and can build their confidence, the children get a big boost in their development process. One such highly promising school that has a fairly simple process for nursery admission in Gurgaon is St. Xavier's High School Sector 81, Gurgaon With a focus on creativity and improving child development at every stage, you will be able to ensure that your child grows into a confident and responsible citizen. St. Xavier's High School Sector 81, Gurgaon is an educational institution that envisions an all-round and balanced education based on creativity, collaboration and global connections through its motto-”explore, engage & excel”.

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